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Message from the BOA regarding Preparation for in-person learning environment Fall Quarter and COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements

May 18, 2021

Dear FIDM Students,

As we look forward to a gradual return to an on-campus teaching setting, we want to update you with the latest information about our plans for the rest of the 2021 academic year.

During this past year, while we had to adapt our approach to teaching and learning, FIDM has remained committed to returning to an in-person learning environment. As long as it is safe to do so, and in alignment with federal, state, and local guidelines on COVID-19, our goal is to welcome you back to campus in a limited capacity for summer quarter and a more expanded capacity for fall.

In preparation for you to return to campus, FIDM will require COVID-19 vaccinations for all students who wish to engage in in-person instruction, live in student housing, or participate in on-campus student activities beginning fall 2021 quarter.

We will continue to work with students who are impacted by travel restrictions or health concerns to find reasonable accommodations, as determined by applicable law, so that disruptions to their educational experience are minimized.

As the situation evolves, we will continue to update you throughout the summer and fall quarters with additional details and adjust our plans accordingly. Please understand our plans are subject to change based on federal, state, and local guidelines.

If you have any questions or concerns about returning to campus please contact Barbara Bundy at bbundy@fidm.edu at 213.624.1200, ext. 3000, or Kim Wetzel at kwetzel@fidm.edu at 213.624.1200, ext. 3530.

The FIDM Board of Administration

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